CS5 Flash Prof: Looking for a Batch/Mass Publishing Plugin -

I am working on a flash project that has many flav files associated with it. Is there a plug-in, by which Will I get permission to manually open and publish many flash files without publishing myself? I know that there is a batch processing of photoshop in Photoshop but if it is one for Flash then it was unaware. Thanks.

You can participate with an original JSFL script:

  Var dir = fl.browseForFolderURL ("choose fla folder"); // Open a folder var file = FLfile ListFolder (dir, "files"); // Receive files (note: do not recursive!) Var filename = files. Long; Fl.outputPanel.clear (); (Files i) .substr (files [i] .lastIndexOf (".") + 1) == 'fla') for {var i = 0; i & lt; filesNum; i ++} Look for / fla var doctor = fl.open document (dir + '/' + files [ii]); // http: //doc.exportSWF toggle the comment on the preferred way of exporting, add your location here, use the server settings?); Doc.publish (); //doc.testMovie (); Fl.saveDocument (doc); Fl.closeDocument (doc, false); Fl.trace (files [i] + 'done!' + (I + 1 + + "of" + files number); }} Fl.trace ('All done!');   

The easiest way to use it is to create a new javascript flash document in Flash CS5 and batch it in. Save as JSFL or some descriptive. In this way, the file should be the default on the right place on the system and must be displayed in the command menu.

Once you run commands / scripts, you should indicate the folder with fla files and loop it through files, publish, then save and close

HTH If you do not need it, then you can comment on savings.
