This is driving me crazy all day. I just want the value of the selected row in a datagrid, it works in, I'm new to a small c # and I can not get it to work.
VB is in my work code:
Private sub dg_qc_SelectionChanged (ByVal as the object, byVal e System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs) as TempListItem As QCProperties = CTYPE (Sender, Data Grid) .SelectedItem is in dim temp1 string = TempListItem.PartNumber End Sub I have in C #:
< Code> Private Zero dg_blockList_SelectionChanged (Object Sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {dgProperties tempItems = ((DataGrid) Sender). Selected item; String tempModel = tempItems.modelRev; String tempDate =; } I can change the error "indirect type, not the" my property class "for the object (if you are missing a cast?)
I have searched the Internet and I have had some luck, I know it easily from them. Please help.
Thanks, Chelsey
< Div class = "after" text "itemprop =" text ">
You just need to correctly select SelectedItem to cast: as dgProperties
dgProperties tempItems = (( Data grid) Analyst) .SelectedItem; Note that you Temptitms! = NULL should check the exact before reaching the reset of the model and date.
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