Boost ( 1.34) Regex syntax bug -

I have read some documentation, and I am more familiar with sending the current version with VS2010. But for now I am stuck with ubuntu 8.04, and increasing the 1.34 and getting some strange type of error, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

What I am doing in my code here:

  std :: string sLine; Gateline (datafile, lines); Promote: match_results & lt; Std :: string :: const_iterator & gt; LineSmatch; Boost :: match_flag_type regFlags = boost :: match_default; Boost :: regex finalRegex (linePattern); Boost :: regex_search (sLine.begin (), sLine.end (), linemack, final regex, regflag);   

There is a compilation error here:

Error: 'regex_search (__ gnu_cxx :: ___ common_field, std :: allocator → gt; & gt;; Std :: allocation> : Allocate>>>>>>>>>>>>

= "Post-text" itemprop = "text">

If you select regex_search to sLine instead of iterator , Howard as applicable, Micro you can use start () and end () instead of sLine . For example:

  Promotion :: Rijks_secret (sineline, linemax, final regesx, regflag);   

If you want to give the range to iterator on regex_search , because the type argument for match_results The first and second argument for const_iterator , regex_search should also be const_iterator . For example:

  Std :: string :: const_iterator b = sLine.begin (), e = sLine.end (); Boost :: regex_search (b, e, lineSmatch, finalRegex, regFlags);   

Hope this helps
