I have a public facing website, which has been developed with ASP.NET MVC3. In the MVC application there are such controllers which are JSN Web page executes AJON requests that are against JSON reversing actions.
Even though the published data with the JSN action is not sensitive, it is owned, and the IA is a concern that anyone can call tasks such as cross domain calls or custom applications. Is there only a way for my MVC application to provide webpages access to tasks that bring JSON back? Does Audita provide any benefit to solve this problem?
Is anyone aware of the resources that describes this problem as this liability and how is it resolved?
If your application is public, then it's more difficult. If you have a password protected site, use the There is only one set of problems with the MVC site in Odata. is a valid antiforphic token feature that can help against XSS and random requests.
authorized attribute.
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