plugins - Can I create recurring jobs in Dynamics CRM 2011 online? -

Is it possible to create a plug-in in Dynamics CRM 2011 online that calls a web server every 30 seconds, and Does it do all day?

In the normal application, I will create an infinite loop with a thread. Sleep (30000) inside, but Dynamics CRM Online does not allow this. CRM kills my plug-in after 2 minutes online.

Is there a way to achieve my goal? Maybe some types of timers, system jobs or workflows?

The person who is found on the Internet works from time to time to call himself, if there is a break of about 70 minutes between the calls; Otherwise, the CRM will consider this an infinite loop and will kill it after 6-7 calls.

No, the limitations you have received are true. If you need to run every 30 seconds, then you have to find it anywhere else to run it.
