iphone - How to implement the traditional imageView-inside-a-scrollView pan gesture with two fingers instead of one? -

"postprint" itemprop = "text">

I have a scroll view image that allows me to see an image that is nested inside, pinch to zoom, and if I'm zooming in enough to pan around using a custom GestureRecognizer, I override the default behavior of a finger pan so that it does something other than the pan (according to the person's request I create this app for I am). It works perfectly.

The problem now is that I still need the ability to pan around the image I could do with a finger pan, I just need to have it with two fingers now. Is there a solution to use the already available features of nested image views? Or do I need to go through and get recognized after two finger gestures, write my own custom all argument?

Any ideas here are greatly appreciated!

Thank you

"itemprop =" text ">

Newer versions if you have only the 'default' parameters of UIPanGenstureRecognizer Adjust that the scrollview is already associated with

  (UIGestureRecognizer * gestureObj in scrollView.gestureRecognizers) {if ([gestureObj isKindOfClass: [UIPanGestureRecognizer class]]) {UIPanGestureRecognizer * PanObj = (UIPanGestureRecognizer *) gestureObj; PanObj.minimumNumberTouch = 2; PanObj.maximumNumberOfTouches = 2; }}   

Behavior should be taken to 2 finger level
