I am using JSF, using the code given below trying to click on a button within the data table. I'm
& lt; H: column & gt; & Lt; H: Output text value = "" /> & lt; H: commandbutton id = "btn" value = "history" action = "# {show.}}" & Gt; & Lt; / H: CommandButton & gt; & Lt; / H: column & gt; My Bean class gives a method "showHistory" that takes the break back and I have included the navigation rule in face-config.xml but still did not call the page can go. My navigation rule looks
& lt; Managed-Bean & gt; & Lt; Managed-name names & gt; Bean & lt; / Managed-name names & gt; & Lt; Successful bean category & gt; Com.bean.HistoryBean & lt; / Managed-van-class & gt; & Lt; Realm of managed-beams & gt; Request & lt; / Managed-beans scope & gt; & Lt; / Successful bean> & Lt; Navigation rules & gt; & Lt; Display-name & gt; List & lt; / Display-name & gt; & Lt; Se-view-id & gt; /BookList.jsp< / To-view-id & gt; & Lt; Navigation-case & gt; & Lt; From-result & gt; Success & lt; / To-result & gt; & Lt; Two-View-ID & gt; /History.jsp< / To-view-id & gt; & Lt; / Navigation-case & gt; & Lt; / Navigation rules & gt; Bean class is included as showHistory ()
public string showHistory () {return "success"; } Can I help in solving this ????
Ensure that you enter the command button inside the h: form element : It should work!
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