How to build CppUnit with Visual Studio 2010 -

I am trying to create CPNUnit with Visual Studio 2010 (the first line version reads version 1.13 in Readme). Web Forum, CppUnit can not find much in documentation); I can not find a valid file extension, with "V," all file extensions end, what is this strange ", v" extension, and what is the purpose of this?

I am frustrated at this point, if someone can help in loading the CPUNET VS2010 project and build it .... it would be a great help!

Do you mention the project?

If so, use TortoiseSVN for example to get the latest code from svn:

with instructions like "INSTALL-VS Net2008.txt "for Visual Studio 2008, but it can also be applied to Visual Studio 2010.

You may have to edit src \ msvc6 \ testrunner \ MsDevCallerListCtrl.cpp and replace it with the version ("9.0") version with the version ("10.0" )

You can safely ignore any build errors unless the SLN output cppunit (d) .lib or whatever dependency you need.

Have fun! :)
