I should know how to change the goal name dynamically with the same animation
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& lt; Storyboard x: key = "lampoon" & gt; & Lt; Double AnimationUsingFrame x: Name = "Gupta" Storyboard Targetproperty = "(UIElement.RenderTransform). (TransformGroup.Children) [0]. (ScaleTransform.ScaleX)" Storyboard.TargetName = "image1" & gt; & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame keytime = "0: 0: 0.3" value = "0.641" /> & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame keytime = "0: 0: 0.5" value = "1" /> & Lt; / DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames & gt; & Lt; Double animation tool's frame storyboard. TargetProperty = "(UIElement.RenderTransform). (TransformGroup.Children) [0]. (ScaleTransform.ScaleY)" Storyboard.TargetName = "image1" & gt; & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime = "0: 0: 0.3" value = "0.689" /> & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame keytime = "0: 0: 0.5" value = "1" /> & Lt; / DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames & gt; & Lt; Double AnimationCofFrame Storyboard Treascapeproperty = "(UIElement.RenderTransform). (TransformGroup.Children) [3]. (Translation TRansform.X)" Storyboard.TargetName = "image1" & gt; & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame keytime = "0: 0: 0.3" value = "- 1" /> & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime = "0: 0: 0.5" value = "0" /> & Lt; / DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames & gt; & Lt; Double animation tool's frame storyboard. TargetProperty = "(UIElement.RenderTransform). (TransformGroup.Children) [3]. (Translation TRANSFORM.Y)" Storyboard. Target = "image1" & gt; & Lt; Time of EasingDoubleKeyFrame = "0: 0: 0.3" value = "0.5" /> & Lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime = "0: 0: 0.5" value = "0" /> & Lt; / DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames & gt; & Lt; / Storyboard & gt; C # code
storyboard SB = (storyboard) FindResource ("Dinesh"); // How to change the storyboard target name from image1 to image2
some Setgance :: Storyboard .SetTabName (SB Child [0], "Image 2");
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