I decided to split a dynamic web application into two dynamic web applications, one main part and a project specific part. If I run Maven then I get the jar file through its palm.xm project.
However, with WTP I am not able to understand Eclipse to deploy core projects. If I'm editing the target file name in the "Depler assembly" of the project, from a jar-file if I So I decided to try to make the core project a web piece module (when I split the original project, I did not notice it). If I unselect "dynamic web module" and in the project aspects "web piece module" then I do not have permission to click on "apply" or "ok" because they are in-depth. What do I do now? Finally I want WTP to write a jar file of the core project in the libfolder of the web project. Edit: I tried to find a clear difference between a newly created Web Fragment Project and my dynamic web project. The only obvious difference was in the form of And now it is: Is it ok to overwrite that file and believe that the rest are still designed (speaking about eclipse)? I saw that Eclipse now suggests a jar file in "Deployment Legislative Assembly" and also makes it, but just because it is working, it does not necessarily mean that I did not break anything else. Since I do not have any problems and do not make any arguments, I feel that doing this I have been described. blah.war to
blah.jar , then close it's project properties and Re-open it again - it's a WAR-file again. / P>
.settings / org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml
< Code> & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Dimensional project & gt; & Lt; Fixed aspect = "wst.jsdt.web" /> & Lt; Installed Aspect = "Java" version = "1.6" /> & Lt; Installed Aspect = "jst.web" version = "2.4" /> & Lt; Installed Aspect = "wst.jsdt.web" version = "1.0" /> & Lt; / Faceted-project & gt;
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Dimensional project & gt; & Lt; Fixed aspect = "java" /> & Lt; Fixed aspect = "jst.webfragment" /> & Lt; Installed Aspect = "Java" version = "1.6" /> & Lt; Installed aspect = "jst.webfragment" version = "3.0" /> & Lt; / Faceted-project & gt;
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