iphone - OpenFeint Turn-Based Multiplayer -


I'm wondering if anyone has ever used the OpenFeint turn-based multiplayer framework. I am now trying to open the sample applications that come with that framework and to compile and I get errors I, I really feel that is not ever used it before < P> I want to run through someone to run a turn-based multiplayer sample application called the Modelial MPS Model App. I opened the MPSampleApp project and then followed all the steps under "Add OpenFinter as separate source files" in the remixed file that was started for OpenFient. I'm running Xcode 4, iOS 4.2, OpenFient 2.9.1, and Turn-Based Multiplayer Framework 1.1.2.

Does anybody know that it is a valid configuration to be able to open "MPSampleApp"? Please remember that "MPSampleApp" is a sample app that comes with a multiplayer framework, not openfin If you can confirm that they will work, can you list all the steps I need to get the MPSampleApp compilation? Here is the error I'm getting:

undefined architecture i386 symbols:

"_ UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag", refer to:

  + [ASIHTTPRequest mimeTypeForAtPath:] ASIHTTPRequest.o in   

"_UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass", referenced from:

  + [ASIHTTPRequest mimeTypeForAtPath:] in ASIHTTPRequest.o   

"_ kUTTagClassMIMEType", refer to:

  + [ASIHTTPRequest mimeTypeForFileAtPath:] ASIHTTPRequest.o   

"_ kUTTagClassFilenameExtension "refers to:

  + [ASIHTTPRequest mimeTypeForFileAtPath:] in ASIHTTPRequest.o   

ld: symbol (s) not to architecture i386 Found

collect2: ld returned exit status 1

Recently simultaneous multiplayer specimen version of SDK for iOS (such as Version 2.10), please Apple's "MobileCoort Services" F. Amework. You can also remove all references to the sample code to the following methods:

[OpenFeint applicationWillResignActive] [OpenFeint applicationDidBecomeActive] [OpenFeint applicationDidEnterBackground] [OpenFeint applicationWillEnterForeground]

degraded as these methods 2.8 SDKs for iOS, and no longer need to call from the application representative. We now listen internally to these events.

- Joe SandMeer OpenFient Integration
