I have been a reader of the stack overflow for some time and am eager to participate! On the question ...
I'm programming for about 10 years, but new to iOS programming; Objective c.
I'm trying to create an application that requires a Facebook login when the app opens, then a view needs to be loaded with the logo and a Facebook login button. I can do this and I can work with no problem. After logging in with Facebook, my application will send an API call to my server and authenticate them with my system and send a callback with their system permissions. If it comes back that they have the right permission to advance, then they will send a tabbed interface with a view. I also have a tabbed interface working
I have created a First VCA controller to handle Facebook login button, and look at the controller for each tab.
MyAppDelegate.m file will contain something like this: Now, I need to call the Facebook login method in FirstviewControler ... 1) How can I use Facebook instances in MyAppDelegate? (I also need access to all other views.) Can I create a representative / protocol to access it from MyAppDelegate? 2) Am I doing this in an incredibly silly manner? If so, help bring an amateur IOS programmer on the right track. 3) How can I use the "delegate" logic in the Facebook method? I'm not sure that I understand it very well. Thank you, Matt I have never used the Facebook Object C-CP API But I can give you some insight into setting up global access for your Facebook instances. You can get an app representative like this: Unless you have a public method to access This will not give you any warnings unless you have . The representative should implement the To know more about the delegation in general, check out. Edit To be really clear here, you should put it in your and - (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) Launch Option {/ / Init Facebook & amp; Send initial view with login button facebook = [[Facebook invoke] initWithAppId: @ "MYAPPID"]; [Self. Window Preview: FirstviewController Observation]; [Self. Windows and knowledgeable]; // Code to check permissions from the webserver (if permissions & amp; _isLoggedIn) {// add a view of the tab bar controller in the window and display [self Window Adsview: TabBr Controller See]; [Self. Windows and knowledgeable]; } Else // access denied view return Yes; }
[facebook authorize: noil delegate: self];
MyAppDelegate * appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *) [[UIApplication shared application] representative];
facebook ivar / property of
Facebook * theFacebook = [App Delegate facebook];
#import "MyAppDelegate.h" anywhere. Take a look at
-Author: Representative: , as
FBSessionDelegate protocol to pass that method.
MyAppDelegate.h file: / P>
// MyAppDelegate HK # import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Class facebook; @ Interface MyAppDelegate: NSObject {UIWindow * window; UITabBarController * Tabbar Controller; Facebook Facebook; } @ Property (Nonomatic, Retaining) IBOutlet UIWindow * Window; @protecti (nonomatic, reserved) IBOutlet UITabBarController * Tabbar Controller; @property (nonatomic, retaining) Facebook * Facebook; @end
// MyAppDelegate.m #import "MyAppDelegate.h" #import "Facebook .h "@imipilation MyAppDelegate @ synthesis window; @injection tab tab controller; @ Synthesis Facebook; - (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) Launch Option. ... Your implementation here ... * /} / .... More methods ... * / @end
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