I have snatched this problem from all unnecessary complexity and attached two files for clarity. In reality, I want to load the required input to test from the database. In the example, I have a map of the suit in the If you run I am using Eclipse 3.6 and jQuery 4.0 Any ideas? Somehow I think the tests were stored elsewhere after the first part. I do not use annotation for the parametric class because everything is known before compiling time (and I take input from the database). I have also seen in the forums that there is a lot of problem in changing the name of test cases with that approach. I do not think what you want to achieve. As far as I know (and experienced) only "genuine" junit methods (which are the actual methods in existing classes) can be executed from junit window (it can be reproduced easily when using parameterized tests Perhaps you should try creating a Java code for testing (and compile it). suit category instead of the result from the query. I have a complex comparison instead of simple one in the way of
TestOverride . Basically this way I had to solve the database (suite map) in a dynamic way to create a test suite through a test. Apart from this, it is important that when I run it with eclipse, I can see the test name.
suits (just click on it and take it on eclipse) it works great. The only test being passed is test4, however, I want to be able to run a single test with this type of construction (a single suit would be good, but I would be happy with the same test). In other words, after running all the suites, I would like to go to the Junket Window, right-click on a single test and run it. If I do this then it does not work.
import java.util.HashMap; Import java.util.Map; Import junior Framework. Test; Import janit Framework. TestSite; Public class suite (public static test suite) (map & lt; string; string [] & gt; suites = new hashmap & lt; string; string [] & gt; (); suites. Input ("suite 1", New String [] {"test1", "test2"}; Suites. ("Suite 2", new string [] {"test3", "test4"}); test site all = new test site ("all suits") ; (Map. Entry & lt; String, String [] & gt; Entry: suites.entrySet ()) {TestSuite suite = new TestSuite (entry.getKey ()); (String Testname: entry.getValue ()) {Suite.addTest (new Estoparide (testName));} All.addTest (Suite);} All Returns;}} Import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; Imported Jan. Frameworks Test Seas; Imported Janette Frameworks Test Result; Public Class TestoverRead Testcases {Private String Name of the public testoverride (string name) {this.name = name;} @ override publicly run (test result result) {result.startTest (this); if (this.name.equals ("test4")) {result .endTest (this);} Else {result.addFailure (this is new AssertionFailedError (not "test4"); }} @ Override public string getName () {return name; }}
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