Handling ExtJs 'fileuploadfield' on the server using ASP.NET MVC? -

I have a simple ExtJs form panel in which the file is uploaded field. When I submit the form to the server, all the major value form Values ​​are sent to the server, but the key values ​​do not pair for the file upload area. Does anyone know why this is? (I have attached a few code snippets below)

In addition to how can I manage uploading on the server. That is, I would like to upload an image to the server and save it from anywhere on the server?

  Public JSOUSsetTemplate Experiment Details (string first name, string photopath) {GetData Data = Representative {Return Repo. (First name, photopath); }; Jenson resultbusjesurzult = getageanrilt (data); Jenson Result Jason = Portal Jackson Result (Jessenley Rezultate, Jason Yunus Behavior Alove Gate); Return json; }}}} {Item: 'firstname', xtype: 'textfield', name: 'firstname', maximum length: 10, permission box: wrong}, {xtype} : 'Fileuploadfield', id: 'form-file', empty text: 'select an image', field label: 'photo', name: 'photopath', button text: '', buttonfig: {iconCls: 'upload-icon '}}], Button: [{Text:' save ', scope: this, handler: function () {var form = this.items.items [0] .getForm (); If (form.isValid ()) {form.submit ({url: 'Employee Details / Set Emporiyab Details', Wait Message: 'Saving Your Details ...', Success: Function (FP, O) {msg ('Successful', 'file on processed server');}}); }}}}    

You can not retrieve file method parameters. Therefore, your PhotoPath variable will usually be zero. To access the uploaded file, you can:

  HttpPostedFileBase postedFile = Request.Files ["fileinput"]; If the file content is processed by using (postfile! = Null) {// Postfile.InputStream ...}   

and you need to upload the file in Javascript: Correct, in your form config so that Extras knows that you are uploading the file to the form.
