returned dictionary value is 'None' python -

I have a function in a file that I'm calling in a different script (as shown below). Printing directly from the function works correctly, but when I send it 'none', I try to return the value to the script.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you


  import as f restype modules.functions = 'THR' atomtype = 'CA' Print f.AtomType (restype, atomtype)   

function: (this price is part of the function)

  def type Attmtaip (Arsan, Atom): def threonine (): print "well IM here atoms = { 'n': 1, 'CA': 6 'C' 8, 'O': 2, 'CB': 6 'Ozzy 1' 1, CG 2 ': 4 } print atoms [Atom type] return atoms [AtomType] residue = { 'ALA': hydrophobic, 'ARG': arginine, 'ASN': asparagine, 'ASP': a Spartate "CYS": cysteine, "GLN": Glutamine, GLU 'glutamate' GLY 'hydrophobic' her ': histidine, Ile' hydrophobic 'Liu' hydrophobic 'LYS': lysine, Mate ': methionine, PHE "phenylalanine, Pro: proline,' SER ': serine,' THR ': threonine,' TRP ': Tryptophan, TYR': Tyrosine, 'VAL': hydrophobic,} remains [ ResName] ()   

and output

  well I'm not here 6 None   

Edit: whole Added to function

this OE is an estimate: Attmtaip calls threonine , but its return value does not return.
