Rails 3 - Form submission issues -

I'm having trouble submitting from my show.html .erb page. It is a nested form that is / events / 1 / Ticket builder / 1 to the same page, however, when I submit the form, IGAT and routing error (no routes match "/ event / 1 / ticket builder / 1") also go to that URL Works fine straight from

  # show.html ARB & lt;% = form_for, section, url = & gt; Event_ticketbuilder_path (@event) do S | & Gt%; & Lt;% = s.text_field (: name)% & gt; & Lt;% = submit_tag ("Add section")%> & Lt;% end% & gt; #ticketbuilder_controller.rb class ticketbilder control & lt; ApplicationController def Show @Event = Event.find (params [: event_id]) SEsection = Make section.new end DEF @event = Event.new (params [: event_id]) @section = @ event.sections.build (params [: Name]) if @ section.save = section = section.New and render: action => : Show End End   

When the link is directly linked to the page, it succeeds and I get

  "event / 1 / ticketbuilder / 1 "for on Sun March 27 15:02:24 -0400 2011 HTML parameter as processing by TicketbuilderController: {" event_id "= & gt; "1", "id" = & gt; "1"} Event Load (0.3ms) Select "Events" "Events" from "Event". Select "Id" = 1 LIMIT 1 section load (0.3ms), select "section". * Select "section" WHERE ("section" .event_id = 1) location load (0.3ms) from "location". WHERE ("Places" .section_id = 1) Select User Load (0.4ms) "Users". * "Users" from "user" to "user". "Id" = 1 LIMIT 1 render ticketbilder / show.html.   

While submitting the form, initiated POST "/ event / 1 / ticketbuilder / 1" for for Sun March 27 15:02:26 -0400 2011 ActionController :: routing error (no routes matches "/ here T / 1 / Ticket Builder / 1 "): Rated / URL / Lib / Ruby / Games / 1.8 / Games / Activity Pack-3.0.5 / Lib / Process Dispatch / Milfware / Templates / paints / routing_arjar RB saves / layout (1.0 ms)

It seems that I can access the page "GET" method but do not "post", but I think this URL There is something with the variables sent through the medium, but I do not currently have sufficient knowledge of the railways to solve this problem.

  event_ticketbuilder_index GET /event/:event_id/ticketbuilder(.:format) {: controller => "Ticketbuilder" ,: action = & gt; "Index"} POST /event/:event_id/ticketbuilder(.format) {: Controller => "Ticket Maker",: Action => "Create"} new_event_ticketbuilder GET / event /: event_id / ticketbuilder / new (.: Format) {: admin = & gt; "Ticket maker" ,: verb = & gt; "New"} edit_event_ticketbuilder GET /event/:event_id/ticketbuilder/:id/edit(.:format) {: controller => "Ticket maker",: verb => "edit"} event_ticketbuilder GET /event/:event_id/ticketbuilder/:id(.:format) {: controlle R => "Ticketbilder",: Action => "Show"} PUT /event/:event_id/ticketbuilder/:id(.:format) {: controller = & gt; "Ticketbuilder" ,: action = & gt; "Update"} DELETE /event/:event_id/ticketbuilder/:id(.:format) {: Controller => "ticket maker",: verb => "deleted"} event_index received / event (.: Format) {: controller = & gt; "Event",: verb = & gt; "Index"} POST /event(.:format) {: controller => "Event",: verb = & gt; "Create"} GET / event / new (. Format: & gt; Controller = & gt; "Event",: Action => Get "New"} /event/:id/edit(.:format) {: Controller = & gt; "Event" ,: Action = & gt; Edit "} GET /event/:id(.format) {: Controller = & gt;" Event ",: Action => Show "} PUT /event/:id(.:format) {: controller = & gt;" event ",: verb = & gt;" update "} DELETE /event/:id(.format) {: controller = & gt;  
Post-text "itemprop =" text ">

Try event_ticketbuilder_index_path for: url. Examination want action, which is not an existing ID yet.
