jquery - Animate element transform rotate -

How do I rotate an element with jQuery's .animate () ? I am using the given line below, which is currently animating ambiguity, but does this support convert CSS3?

  $ (element). Value ({opacity: 0.25, MozTransform: 'rotate (-' + -m + + 'degree)', 'to rotate' ('+ + m +' degree) '}); As far as I know, the basic animated non-numeric CSS properties can not animate.  


I believe that you can do this by using a functional CSS3 transform for a function and user browser. CSS3 Transformer is a bit hard to cover all your browsers (for example you need to use Matrix filters).

Edit : Here's an example that works in WebKit Browser (Chrome, Safari):

If you only want to support IE9 , Then you can use transform instead of -webkit-transform , or -moz-transform will support Firefox

The move to use is to animate a CSS property that we do not care about ( text-indent ) and then rotation Use its value in a step function:

  $ ( '# foo'). Chetan (Phase: Function (now, fx) {$ (this) .css ('- WebKit-conversion', 'Rotate (' + now + 'degree)');} ...    
