HelloOve received an application which uses a collection in this case, which is a separate queue
An object is drawn on one side in one thread, while it is divided into a different thread
These actions can be applied simultaneously, which will solve in an exception such as the boundary Exception argument, when the compilation counter is being redefined.
(1) What do I mean by looking "good"? I do not want to build my own. The collection obtained from this one includes a lock mechanism. >
(2) I do not want to use the stormy thoughts of the brain, which is very "ugly"
nucleus = false; While (! EnqueueOk) {try {Qsockets.Enqueue (currentSoc); EnqueueOk = True; } Hold {}} I thought about the course using lock or mute x, but it will only happen when I wrap these tasks in a processor which will be called from each thread ABD decides either for anq or decue that it will also be long and "ugly"
Any idea will be attached ... 10x
After editing it Is: because no one sees my answer below
I Has used the lock mechanism itself to the collection
lock (Qsockets) {Qsockets.Enqueue (currentSoc); }
Looks like a classic manufacturer-consumer scenario Do you check this good?
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