I am updating an item in the I call it raw SQL Thanks, Paul On this Any signal, or have I left for a more manual approach? Update: I have gone back to using raw SQL to update for now, and then manually underlying the change via Its final solution is the custom getContentResolver () in a ListView. Update () method, and I want to increase a 'View' field through a ContentValue, but it is not possible that it can detect.
SET views = views + 1 , but
cv.put ("views", "views + 1") in the view area Setting a content value as the result is clearly set to "View + 1"
getContentResolver () Inform cursor adapter. NotifyChange () . If I call it directly
getContentResolver () If you can understand one way to do it through Update () then it will still be very good, so if someone has a way to do this, then post it here.
URI (with the lines of the code) Using a
ContentProvider such as
getContentResolver () to call a
URI to avoid the need to pass the values for
update () my content provider's The overridden
update () method tells the increase in the number of views of this item through the
ContentValues parameter.
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