I am using the C # code to generate an email message.
In the body of the message, I want to add a steady Google map. To create a static url, I have the following code
string order = "111 remote drive carry, NC 27511"; String mapU = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" + addr + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode ("& amp; Zoom = 14 & Size = 512x512 & amp; maptype = roadmap & Amp; sensor = false & amp; markers = color: green | ") + Acer; This string mapU is added to the message body as a message for the img tag.
When an email is sent to a Google Mail account, the static image is not displayed. Check the element in a broken image
& lt; Img src = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?secenter=111+Remote+Drive++Cary%2CNC + 27511% 26zoom% 3D14% 26size% 3D512x512% 26maptype% 3Droadmap% 26sensor% 3Dfalse % 26markers% 3Dcolor: green% 7C111 + remote + drive ++ carry, NC + 27511 "& gt; In Gmail, the '3% place' is 3D, which breaks it
sends the exact same message for Hotmail. The expected image is displayed in the right place Hotmail retains '='
What is happening with Gmail? How can the suggestions be fixed?
URL encoding may not work properly for some reason .. or make Gmail fool about something ...
Remove the encoding and manually & amp; With & amp; Amp; And it should be ok ..
Sorry, not the most beautiful solution ...
Actually I do not know that this case Is not it or not ... but your encoding may not be the first = You have made it, then changing the entire URL into symbolic words ...: -)
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