xcode - UITableViewController: what's with the incomplete method implementation warnings? -

I am working on my first iOS / Cocoa Touch app, and to handle user settings, Need to create footage for Navigation Controller At any rate, I created a custom UITableViewController, and pushed it to my UINAVigationController. I did not change one thing (except the return number) in the following two methods, but they should bring warnings in XCode. what gives?

  - (NSInteger) numberOfSectionsInTableView: (UITableView *) tableView {#warning Returns the number of potential incomplete method implementation // sections return 1; } - (NSInteger) TableView: (UITableView *) table view numberofrose inSession: (NSInteger) section {# warning incomplete method Returns the number of rows in the implementation section / return3; }    

# warning instructions, appropriately adequate, Due to the compiler to emit a warning, remove those two lines and the warnings should be removed.
