sql server - Matching and ranking query with dynamic columns and percentage match -

I am trying to write a ranking match / search system for a client who has requested content (matitue test) And providers (where userprofile.usertype_id = 1) can provide content (s) and rank those ranks which can provide the highest, or all content. Here is the database schema I:

User Profiles table

  userprofile_id int identity userprofile_dt datetime first_nm varchar (50) last_nm varchar (50) usertype_id int (Provider = 1, requester = 2)   

request table

  request_id applicant identity request _ dt datetime title varchar (50 ) Description Varchar (100) userprofile_id int (where usertype = 2)   

materials spacing table

  Samgri_rek_aid ITI identified request_id int Content_id int   

content provider table

  Samgri_pru_aidi IIT Upyogkrtaprofail_ id Int (where Ugrtep = 1) content_id int   

Table of Contents

  material_id int identity Samgri_desk Varchar (50)   

For example, if I have this request:

  request_id = 1 request_dt = 3/28/2011 title = 'test request 'desc = null userprofile_id = 100 (wh enabling Ugrtepe_aid = 2)   

and these materials were requested from

  material_req_id request_id content_loc id 1 1 10 ( Steel) 2 1 11 (copper) 3 1 12 (titanium) 4 1 13 (n   

and had a population like content provider

  content_pro_id userprofile_id content_ id 1 2 10 (steel) 2 2 11 (copper) 3 2 13 (nickel) ) 4 3 11 (copper) 5 3 13 (nickel) 6 3 12 (titanium)   

I am expecting to look like my output

  userprofile_id Steel copper nickel titanium pct_match 2 YYYN 75 3 NYYY 75   

Where column names are obtained from the content in the request. Then be able to find providers who can provide more than one percent of the requested content.

  • I started adding the columns to the temporary table and
    1. floating table
    2. then repeat through 3000+ providers and those providers Add, which can provide specified content.

      Is there a better way to do this? The process takes a lot of time and wants to do better / best practice about how to write something like this. "post-text" itemprop = "text">

       ; As General output (/ * Normal output per line content * / SELECT p.userprofile_id, m.material_desc, value = case when mp.material_pro_id IS NULL 'N' ELSE 'Y' end request r INNER JOIN MATERIALRequest mr oN r.request_id = mr.request_id INNER JOIN content meter oN mr.material_id = m.material_id CROSS JOIN (select different MaterialProvider userprofile_id) p LEFT JOIN MaterialProvider mp oN p.userprofile_id = mp.userprofile_id and mr Material_id = mp.material_id WHERE r.request_id = 1) SELECT p *, T.pct_match FROM (/ * Normal output * / selectable userprofile_id, general, optical N PIVOT (maximum (value) from steel, copper, titanium, nick) Content_desk IN (steel, copper, titanium, nickel)) P INNER (collect / normal output) (calculation of percents) * / SELECT userprofile_id, Pct_match = COUNT (case value when 'y' then value AD) * 100 / COUNT (*) from userProfile_ID by normaloutput group) * Two revised Join the output * / ON t.userprofile_id = p.userprofile_id    

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