visual studio 2010 - Using Atlassian Bamboo for CI for .Net projects -

Can someone tell me in a good resource to work for bamboo net projects (Bamboo 3, VS 2010) is? Regardless of its size, files with help of Atlasian are not all useful, especially. For Net, they are almost completely lacking in both details and actual examples. I can find people with similar issues on forums, but rarely answer

At this point, supertricky does not wish to do anything, just like things:

The other setting MSTest.exe is simply config (versus useless at -2010) and when running Criteria from Container

Passing the correct path to the custom command / script (for example if I wanted to run MSTE in that manner and pass in local testettings, resultsfile etc.)

Install this server To do was a little painful, but it is very deliberately required by it!

I have proved to be useful, though so far it has not been able to work properly to run the Minimet-console unit test.

I am setting up a bamboo deployment in the last fortnight, I must admit, I have enjoyed this experience very much. By now I've found that bamboo is a bit of frustrating, which is compared to other Atlasian products, such as cumin, in my opinion, excellent.
