visual c++ - Could Query Notiifications be used in C++ ? if yes then how, if not, may be there is an alternative -

Can notifications be used in C ++? If so, then, if not, then there may be an alternative.

MSDN provides examples of how to use query notifications using sqlDependency, but I have C ++ applications I need to use this kind of facility. So what do you think ..?

SQL dependence is a net class rather than the creation of a particular language. So it can be used for any language, which can use net class, it is especially easy for those languages ​​like MSL like C #, VBnet etc.

C ++ is not so lucky. / P>

Although SqlDependency is based on SQL Server features; Voting in the first version, and later the service broker gives you nothing to prevent from entering a trigger on the table to get query notifications on C ++.

Actually you can do it yourself, or find a library that does this for you. Net developers are poor and more productive due to the library they use.
