variables - Why Doesn't a Global Var Declared in one VB6 project Compile in Another Project in same VB6 Project Group? -
I'm sorry that this is such a primary question
6 projects in our VB6 project group and UI is a project that includes all app forms.
We generate a unique ID (GstuInieMPUUID) in the code behind any one form, which should be in contact with a class in any other project in the project group.
I have announced that this variable is a universal variable in the .bas module which is part of the main UI project, in this way:
String like gstrUniqueImportUuid I then provide a value for gstrUniqueImportUuid, which works fine.
But then when I try to use that global variable value in any other project, then it will not compile the project - "not defined variable".
What am I doing wrong on the earth?
Thank you.
Modules are not public outside the project What you want to do, create a class and call it Global Multii Usage Is set up for Any public property of that class will be visible to refer to the project. Note that you only do this for ActiveX DLLs and ActiveX EXE.
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