I want to remove the diary from this function
alternative procedure [dbo]. [Searchword] (@Word = '%' + RTRIM (@Word) '%' + (@Word) '@WordNVARCHAR (50), @PageNumber INT, @ProductsPerPage INT, @HowManyResults INT Production) Set as @Word ='% ' Announced @Results table (ProductsId INT, ProductsCode NVARCHAR (250), ProductsDesc NVARCHAR (MAX), ProductsIngredients NVARCHAR (MAX), ProductsName NVARCHAR (250), ProductsPhoto NVARCHAR (MAX), ProductsPrice money, ProductsWeight2 float, RowNumber INT) - matches products to INSERT @ select Rispols to DI1 T1.ProductsID, T1.ProductsCode, Utpadnam as LOWER (DESC products as T1.ProductsDesc), T1.ProductsIngredients, LOWER (T1.ProductsName), T1.ProductsPhoto, T1 .ProductsPrice, more than T1.ProductsWight2, ROW_NUMBER () (order by T1.ProductsName) RowNumber (select ProductsID, ProductsCode, low (ProductsDesc) as the ProductsDesc, ProductsIngredients, low (ProductsName) ProductsName T1.ProductsID = T2.ProductsID at T2 as ProductsPhoto, ProductsPrice, Products Where ProductsName @Word As ProductsWeight2) As T1 Full External JOIN (Selection * Products Wherever ProductsDesc @Word) Order T1.ProductsPrice Remove from @Results Where to Select NULLIF ([ProductsName], '') Zero @H is OwManyResults = results from COUNT (*) results in INSERT @ different products, product codes, product, product Product name, Product photo, Products process, as product, lower (product name) Select the Padviit 2, row number @ results in products, Utpadkod, product, products, materials, Prodktsnam as lower (Prodktonam), Prodktfoto, Prodktprisej, Prodktveit 2 results Rovmber @ R. RRO Number & gt; (@PageNumber - 1) * @ProductsPerPage and R.RowNumber & lt; = @PageNumber * @ProductsPerPage Order by R.ProductsPrice ASC using this process
ALTER process normalizeChars (@NAME NVARCHAR (100)) as initially announced @TempString NVARCHAR (100) set @TempString = @NAME set @TempString = low (@TempString) set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'a', 'a') set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString Set @TempString = REPLACE (@TempString, 'A', 'E') set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'A', 'I') set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'a²', 'o') set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'à¹', 'U') set @TempString = REPLACE (@TempString, '§', 'c') set @TempString = REPLACE (@TempString, '' ',' ') Set @TempString = REPLACE (@TempSt Set @TempString = 'REPLACE' (@TempString '-', '') Set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'â¬', 'I ±') set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'I', 'Îμ') set @TempString = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'ί', 'ι') sET @TempSt ring = REPLACE (@ TempString, 'I ??' I ¿ ') set @TempString = REPLACE (@TempString, 'ή', 'I ·') Set @TempString = REPLACE (@TempString, 'I ?? ',' I ?? ') Return to ProductName and end up on ProductsDesc @TempString How is this possible and how?
You say that you are on Greek_CI_AI . In that case, most of your mappings have already been done (not just the top 3). ; Select 'Select All', 'N' Union All Select 'N' - ',' N 'Union All Select (Select 1, Cola 2) AS (Call 1, Cola 2) with T N ',' N'A Union Select All 'N', N 'Union Select All N' ÃÆ'à ¢ â,¬Å¡Ãƒâ € šÃ, 'N' All Selective N ',' N'I Select 'UNIUS All Select N' 2 ', N'O' UNIUS All Select N 'N', NU 'Union All Select N' § ', N'C' Unions All Select ',' ± 'Union Select All EN, N'Om 'Union Select All Select N, N '' Union All Select '', 'Î Î Select Union All Select' N 'ή', 'N' · Select Union Serving '', 'N' ?? ') * Where to call 1 and lieutenant; & Gt; COL2 COLLATE Greek_CI_AI returns
col1 col2 ---- ---- '- - In addition, you do not have to use the LOWER because the combing case is insensitive. If you need to ignore the remaining 3 characters in your search then you can use a scalar as the UDF
build dbo.normalizeChars (@Name NVARCHAR (100)) Returns on NVHAR (100) with scheduling, returning to tap on zero as SET @ name = (@ name, '' ',' ') SET @Name = REPLACE ( @ Name, '' ',' ') SET @ name = REPLACE (@name,' - ',' ') Return @ name END
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