mysql - How do you approach optimizing this complex sql query then choosing proper table index's -

I have a complex query that is not able to optimize me with the proper index, ways to optimize questions or indexes Any ideas about modifying columndata A table is 55000 records, drows D is less than 4000 record 25 rest of the tables, how should you optimize a problem like this:

  select 'id', a.string_data, b.grid_id, c.data_type, d.document_id, 'callmandata' a, 'columnembed' b, `dcolumns` c,` drows` d WHERE b.grid_id = 9 and d.document_id = 17 and = a.row_number and b.column_id = a.column_id and = a.column_id and 0 = (select count (1) `from security` e q,` Role_userlist`f, `as user_type_defaults`g where ((e.access_for = 1 and e.access_for_id = 0) or (e.access_for = 2 and e.access_for_id = F.role_id and f.userid = 0 ) Or (e.access_for = 3 and e.access_for_id = and (g.usertype_name = "or (g.usertype_name =" guest "and 0 = 0)))) and e.access_level = 0 AND ((e .access_type = 2 and e.access_subtype_grid_id = b.grid_id and e.access_subtype_column_id = a.column_id) or (e.access_type = 4 and e.access_subtype_document_id = a.document_id and e.access_subtype_column_id = A.column_id))) by order d Tutorial:   


  create ABLE `columndata` (` id` int (11) No Auto_increment, .ordering, b.ordering LIMIT, Do not tap `document_id` int (11) No,` column_id` int (11) No tap, `row_number` int (11) no tap,` string_data` varchar (5000), primary key (`id`), index (` column_id `,` Row_number`, `document_id`), index (` row_number`), index (`document_id`)) Not = MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 default charset = UTF8; Tab 'callmangid' (`id`int (11) faucet auto_ignment,` parent_id` (11), `column_id`inte (11) tap,` grid_id int (11) tap, 'ordering entry' 11) tap, primary Key (`id`), index (` parent_id`), index (`grid_id`,` column_id`, `ordering`)) engine = mySamAtangentment = 0 default charge = UTF8; Tab Dicolmps` ( `Aidi` Int (11) NOT NULL Oto_inriment,` headers 'varchar (25) NULL, `Deta_prkar' varchar (25) NULL default 'T', create a primary key (` Aidi`)) = Maismm AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; Tab 'dribbb' (`id`int (11) faucet auto_intermment,` parent_id` et (11), `document_id` int (11) no tap,` grid_id int (11) faucet ',' ordering int '11) Primary Key (`id`), index (` parent_id`), index (`document_id`,` id`, `ordering`)) engine = mysam otangentment = 0 default charge = utf 8; Tab 'security' ( `Aidi` Int (11) NOT NULL Oto_inriment create` access 'ET' (11) NOT NULL for ', `Akses_ For_aid` ET (11) NOT NULL,` Akses_prkar' Aianaf (11) Narwhal `Akses_ Taip_aidi` varchar (11) nOT nULL,` access_subtype_grid_id` integer (11) zero, `access_subtype_column_id` integer (11) zero,` access_subtype_document_id` integer (11) zero, `access_level` integer (4) The default is 0, the primary Key (`id`), index` ind1` (`access_for`,` access_for_id`), index `ind2` (` access_type`, `access_type_id`), index` ind3` (`access_type`,` access_subtype_grid_id`, `acces s_subtype_column_id`), index `Indy 4 (` Akses_prkar`, `Akses_subtaip_dekast_aidi`,` Akses_subteepi_ column_id`)) ENGINE = Maismm AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8; Table `Role_userlist` (` Id` int (11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `userid` int (11) NOT NULL,` role_id` int (11) NOT NULL, `userid_assigning_role` int (11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Create `Id`), index (` role_id`), index (`user id ')) engine = mySmAtGenment = 0 default charge = UTF8; Table `#__ Jgrid_user_type_defaults` (` Id` int (11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `usertype_name` varchar (25) NOT NULL,` access_level` integer (11), PRIMARY KEY ( `Id`), Suckank` ind1` (` Create Usertype_name`)) Engine = MySam AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8;    

Have you tried using the table instead of endless writing? It is not always convenient to bring everything in a query, because it can reduce overall performance

For example, I had a complex search query that was written as a single query Seeking value in 7 different tables, it took about 5 seconds to search through 20000 records, for such questions, about a total of about 0.2 seconds after dividing 7 small questions in total time.
