Already there were some similar questions, but in my case this was not exactly the case. Simply, a new view based project Stack trace with the first call:. and tell it here ???? Trace the second call: what is the desired behavior or bug? We still have a sensible This looks like a bug, because it is only reproducible in Xcode 4. I will file a bug. See also (Apple Developer Forum) viewDidLoad and
MainWindow.xib :
UIWindowâ ???? S
rootViewController representative controller example in app view
# 0 in 0x000025c0 - [foozaViewController viewDidLoad] at / users / Raphael / download / fooza /fooza/foozaViewController.m38 # 1 in 0x000cd089 - [UIViewController view] () # 2 0x00040d42 - [UIWindow addRootViewControllerViewIfPossible] (in # 3 0x0079d5e5) - [NSObject (NSKeyValueCoding) setValue: forKey:] () # 4 in 0x00050ff6 [UIView (CALayerDelegate) setValue: forKey:] () # 5 0x0021930c in - [UIRuntimeOutletConnection Connect] () # 6 in 0x00d418cf - [NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:] () # 7 in 0x00217d23 - [UINib instantiateWithOwner: option:] () # 8 0x00219ab7 - [NSBindley (UINSBindleEdition) LoadNIB Nominated: Owner: Option:] () # 9xx0001f17a in - [UIApplication _loadMainNibFile] () # In 10 x 0x0001fcf4 - [UIApplication _runWithURL: Payload: Launch Orientation: Status: Baresthey: StatusBlueHead:] () # 11 0x0002a617 - [UIApplication handleEvent: withNewEvent:] () # 12 0x00022abf - [UIApplication sendEvent:] () __CFRunLoopDoSource1 # 13 0x00027f2e (in _UIApplicationHandleEvent) # 14 0x01004992 (in PurpleEventCallback) # 15 0x00dac944 (in __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__) # 16 0x00d0ccf7 () # 17 0x00d09f83 __CFRunLoopRun () # 18 CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in 0x00d09840) # 19 0x00d09761 CFRunLoopRunInMode (in) # 20 0x0001f7d2 - [UIApplication _run] () # 21 0x0002bc93 UIApplicationMain () # 22 0x000020d9 in main ()
# 0 in 0x000025c0 - [foozaViewController viewDidLoad] at / users / Raphael / download / fooza / Fooza / foozaViewController.m: 38 # 1 at 0x00002555 - [foozaView controller AwakeFromNib] () # 2 in 0x00217f26 - [UINib instantiateWithOwner: options:] () # 3 0x00219ab7 - [NSBundle (UINSBundleAdditions) loadNibNamed: owner: options:] () # 4 0x0001f17a - [UIApplication _loadMainNibFile] (in) # 5 In 0x0001fcf4 - [UIApplication _runWithURL: Payload: Launch Orientation: Status Barestile: Status Barhard:] () # 6 0x0002a617 - [UIApplication Handling Event: with New Event:] () # 7 0x00022abf - [UIApplication sendEvent:] () # 8 0x In 00027f2e _UIApplicationHandleEvent () # 9 0x01004992 PurpleEventCallback () # 10 in 0x00dac944 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ () # 11 0x00d0ccf7 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 in () # 12 0x00d09f83 __CFRunLoopRun in () # 13 0x00d09840 (in CFRunLoopRunSpecific) # 14 0x00d09761 (in CFRunLoopRunInMode) # 15 0x0001f7d2 in - [UIApplication _run] () # 16 0x0002bc93 UIApplicationMain () # 17 main (in 0x000020d9)
viewDidLoad /
viewDidUnload ratio in connecting an outlet to the Root Visual Controller in the application representative, or we should ignore the Appleâ € ™ s more to maintain Should use in traditional way ?? ?? The rules and the
awakeFromNib do not have a super phone and the new
uses the rootViewController
UIWindow property?
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