I've shown in this tutorial exactly as trying to goelocation my iPhone app: My problem is when I did not track the map and see the geolocation service on my map, so I just look at the global map :( Here my code I hope you can help me to problemify the problem: Appdelegate.h AppDelegate.m: Myvievkantrolrkh myViewController.m: To check two things: 1) the simulator does not place It will always show late / tall at Apple headquarters in California. 2) It takes a little time to decide the location, so if you ask for the location immediately you will not get one. In addition, you need some more code in your
@interface whereAmIAppDelegate: NSObje ct & lt; UIApplicationDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate & gt; {UIWindow * window; Jhanamiviwu controller * View Controller; CLLocationManager * locationManager;} @ property (non-creative, sustaining) IBOutlet UIWindow * window; @ property (nonatomic, retain) CLLocationManager * locationManager; maintaining @property (nonatomic,) IBOutlet WhereAmIViewController * ViewController;
@implementation WhereAmIAppDelegate @synthesize window; @ Syntax view controller; @ Synthesis Location Manager; #pragma mark - #pragma mark application lifecycle - (BOOL) application: (UIApplication *) has FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions {// Override point for customization after application launch Self.locationManager = Application [[[CLLocationManager alloc ] Init] autorelease]; If ([CLLocationManager Location Services is activated]) {self.locationManager.delegate = self; Self.locationManager.distanceFilter = 100; [Self.locationManager startupdating location]; } // Add a view of the view controller in the window and display. [Add window] View: Controller view; [Window-making and knowledgeable]; Yes come back } - (zero) DLock {[viewController release]; [Window release]; [Super DeLoc]; } #pragma mark CLLocationManagerDelegate methods - (void) locationManager: (CLLocationManager *) manager didUpdateToLocation: (CLLocation *) newLocation fromLocation: (CLLocation *) oldLocation {MKCoordinateSpan period; Span.latitudeDelta = 0.2; Span.longitudeDelta = 0.2; MKCoordinateRegion area; Region.span = period; Region.center = newLocation.coordinate; [ViewController.mapView Set Region: Area is Animated: Yes]; ViewController.mapView.showsUserLocation = Yes; ViewController.latitude.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% f", newLocation.coordinate.latitude]; ViewController.longitude.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% f", new location.Cordinate. Lame]; } @and
@intrfaes Whereamiviawkantrolr: Uivievkantrolr {Mkmpviev * Mpviev; UILBL * latitude; UILBL * longitude; } @ Property (non-monomeric, intact) IBOutlet MKMapView * mapView; @protecti (nonatomic, retten) IBotlate UILb * latitude; @protecti (nonatomic, intact) IBOutlet UILabel * Longitude;
@implementation WhereAmIViewController @synthesize MapView; @ Synthesis latitude; @ Synthesis longitude; - (zero) Dailyock [[see map release]; [Latitude release]; [Latitude release]; [Super DeLoc]; } @end
where AMI view controller will usually look something in
viewWillAppear . It will probably help you on the scene controllers and map scenes.
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