XCode giving me 'Obstructing' warning because I am no longer using SVN, switched to Perforce -

My first post is hoping I am quite clear with my problem.

I started a new project a year ago in XCode 3.xy (IOS project), everything was going well, but I wanted to use some sort of source control. I had heard of SVN on a website, so I gave it a shot and put the repository on the USB external hard drive. Everything was very good, then I decided to switch attendance because other people used it on the project. After doing this, I format USB hard drives to use it for other purposes.

Fast Forward for the past week: I have installed XCode 4.x, and when I'm making, I get all kinds of alerts 2 I'm getting:

game_name.app.dSYM restraint file: //localhost/projects/game_name/build/Release-iphonesimulator/game_name.app.dSYM/: warning: restraint: / projects / game_name / build / release-iphonesimulator / game_name. Blocking item under app.dSYM version control


fx_swish_01.wav missing file / projects / GAME_NAME / fx_swish_01.wav file: / /localhost/projects/game_name/fx_swish_01.wav: If: missing file: /projects/game_name/fx_swish_01.wav copy

It's missing 2 errors, but I have 113 total (approximately 10 barriers, and 100 Are missing). I am assuming this because the project somehow still thinks that I am using SVN for my SCM, when in fact I am only using the strong from outside XCode.

Do anyone have what I want? I do not care if files are loose, unseen, deleted, whatever ... I have everything that I feel I need to thank in advance.

EDIT: I found some of the 'missing copies of work' alerts: svn delete -force Is this going to bite me down the line later? I could not commit, but he removed the warning. Here's a copy of what I did:

  $ SVN fx_swish_01.wav Delete SVN: Use --force To override this restriction SVN: 'fx_swish_01.wav' local amendments $ SVN fx_swish_01 is deleted. Wav --force d fx_swish_01.wav $ svn committed m "deleted fx_swish_01.wav" SVN: failed in commit (follow the details): SVN: directory '/ projects / game_name / build / release-iphonesimulator / game_name .app.dSYM /. Svn 'functional copy is missing in admin area $ svn delete fx_swish_02.wav D fx_swish_02.wav $ svn delete fx_swish_03.wav de fx_swish_03.wav $ svn Delete fx_swish_04.wav de fx_swish_04.wav $ svn delete hey_what_a_crowd.mp3 de hey_what_a_crowd.mp3 $ CD build / release- iphonesimulator / $ ls game_name.app game_name.app.dSYM game_name.app_old.dSYM $ SVN remove game_name.app.dSYM SVN: Directory 'game_name.app.dSYM / .svn' Copy Admin Area Working in is missing $ Svn destroy game_name.app.dSYM --force D game_name.app.dSYM svn: directory 'game_name.app.dSYM / .svn' work copy management Regions in   

As you can see, remove me. Wav files have been found and it seems that now I do not have to give those warnings. Game_name.app.dSYM is slim though still not working ... the admin area is missing? I am convinced that if that file exists at one point, then it is not certain.

You can remove all the SSN folders, which may be your previous version control attempts Have been omitted.

Perforce should check a new copy, provided you have not checked-in .svn folders in P4, in which case you should remove them all from P4.
