We have an object inheritance in our Java classes and we are returning base classes in operations. On running Java 2 WSDL, we found that only the base class object has been created in WSDL and the derivative classes have been completely ignored. There was no straight-forward way to handle this, so we used the "Additional Classes" option in Java 2 WSDL and the classes were going on, so now WSDL looks completely.
When the client uses WSDL (above), then it can obtain derivative classes, but when it passes through the service, the service does not prompt this derivative class, but the example Always instantiates the base class, although the soap message contains reference to the derived class. The notice I give here seems like it does not remember those dams in the service.
How can I fix this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am not clearly a supporter with Axis, but what you try to achieve looks quite like this item. Docs:
In addition, you should tell you what sort of framework you use to complete your question.
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