Why are changes not allowed in Visual Studio 2010? -

2008 is in the process of upgrading from VS 2010, and for the most part it is running smoothly.

One problem I am running is that if I put a break in the code, and try to make changes , Then I get an error saying that she is not allowed. It's something I can not live without, so I hope it can be fixed. Otherwise I will stick with VS 2008 for a while.

Error Message: Changes are not acceptable in the following cases: When the debugger is already running from the process The debugged code was customized at the time of creation or running.The assembly to be debugged is loaded as a neutral domain. The debugging assembly was loaded through reflection. </ P> <p> I do not have any add-ins, and mer The only extension is the GIT source control manager. <br> I tried to uninstall GIT source control manager, but this did not help the problem </ P> </ div> <p> <div class =

You're probably running a release build.

Switch to the debug configuration.
