I want to know how do I sort the row in the table, by row, by the numbers, and then in each color Line up the cell in which it has a high number.
I searched the web a bit and found this "set handle (qualified 2, 'data', {5,6,4})" but this is not helping me because I want to fill the row in the row , And the row data has been changed in this method.
This is the table as you see that there are 7 rows and 10 columns. Each column has the correlation points of the plate points against the sample digits (0-9).
In this way I have correlation function Thanks in advance. I do not believe that there is a way to update data incrementally, An array should be maintained, that line must be updated from the line, and after calling [Scores] = I call compute_corr (points); I execute this call 7 times for each plate number. Score is an array that delivers correlation points in each call, and points are a digit from the plate.
the set (..., 'data', actual data) / Html>
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