spring - JAVA OOD Question -

I have been learning Spring for the last few months and have found that this is not only powerful but beautifully written structure. I want to write a short forum web application for Spring, Spring Security, JPA, and Front & Junkies UI. I just want to write this app for educational purposes. My problem is very simple. How to use this app to use classes, interfaces, which design pattern I am afraid of one thing that I do not want to cook a cookie to add it. I want to follow the right steps and want to make it so powerful that I can give it to the community so that people can use it if they want my main purpose is to learn how to design a Java web application from scratch is. To design and I am interested only in the Spring Framework and if someone wants to do the same thing, please join me because I believe 1 is 1 and 2 is eleven. I really appreciate it if you can give me the name of books, which you have followed and made your life easier in the Java world. Please tell me the UML and other tools you have used, and please correct only those books and techniques on which you have worked and used. Thank you.

The best advice is to follow the Spring idiom as described in Spring MVC phase. / P>
