html - Registered Mark does not appear when using @Page.Title! -

I'm using WebMetrics (I like it) for a new site (well, it just There is a new version of an existing site) and I have it:


  @ { & Lt; Title & gt; @ Page.Title & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; @RenderBody () & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; }   

and ...


  @ {layout = "~ / _SiteLayout.cshtml"; Page. Title = "Seycidomman manager and win;"; } & Lt; P & gt; Etc. & lt; / P & gt;   

The page's title should look like this:

Secularism Manager®

However, it is not. Instead, you can actually enter & amp; Reg; In the title, you can see it only when I use @ Page.Title . Why? And how do I fix it?

I do not know "webmatics", but it clearly shows the HTML encoded values ​​included in the output Before, so that the developer (you do not need) is the right behavior for the web framework.

So if you type the title "A®" then "A®":

  Page.Title = "SEXDOMMAN MANAGER" ";    
