delphi - Adding Custom control to another custom control -

What I'm trying to do is to create a new touch keyboard.

I did this button with the button I picked up, now I need to make several buttons and move them somewhere. It was stuck to me.

I have created a new component that I get from TGraphic Control (this is my new touch keyboard), but I do not have a way to add components to the canvas. I really do not know if I want to add them to canvas or any other component (like panel) !!!

Is my attitude okay?

Thanks in advance.

Due to your words and confusion between panel, canvas and custom control in general, I assume you I'm starting a Delphi. You need to know about frames:

Frames allow you to make a reusable part of the GUI. You can use the IDE to "draw" the frame. If you do, then you put that overall control (frame) on the form or another frame It is a very powerful feature and it is customary that it is very close to telling other languages ​​"custom control" (very close to ASP.NET or WPF that custom control should be considered).

When you say "custom control" in Delphi world, people usually expect that you want to make a reusable control that is kept in the package and it is installed in the IDE. This is a very advanced topic. If you want, this is the question, I'm sorry. Pardon.
