c++ - Internationalization with MSWin resources (dialog/menu/strings) -

I am thinking that the approaching approach to IILN people has been found to be useful for Windows items, usually a Application through the original C ++ / WTL MSWin Resource Compiler?

I have some experience, although in 2005, with a "traditional" approach to dealing with these things, speaking roughly: duplicate the resource file and send it to another language, dialogue and all Translate into My experience with this was that it is a bit painful to appreciate any positive feedback about how they were received and how they were received.

I have also had some experience with GNU Gettext, which works a lot better to differentiate concerns about the developer's concerns. translator. Unfortunately, I think for the use of GNU Gettext in the windows environment, we have to sacrifice useful tools that are created in Visual Studio to create application menus and dialogs etc. Any suggestions about how this can be overcome will be appreciated.

One particular concern is that MSWin does not have any Layout Manager (which I know). This means that in order to translate the dialog box for any other language, there is a need for a dimensional change in the dialog box, so that there is no increase or decrease in the need for text space due to the translation.

Any other suggestions on the approach will also be appreciated.

Windows does not have any layout managers, but some UI libraries to use with Windows Just for a clear example, working directly with Win32 API makes I18n quite easy. I have managers of grid layout, flow layout etc. translated into it. There are classes to directly support translation, including QT Transcalator Class, which will see direct support for translation between different text presentations, translation into a translation file.
