I'm developing a flash project that should have 100 .fla files For example, they are one. If I change this class, then I will need to compile all the dependents. Flow manually How fast can this process be made?
I will do it in three ways:
- 100 FLA files Instead, there is an FLA in which parameters / items to 'swap' certain parameters that you want to change, e.g. Through a menu, embed SWF, or some parameters on javascript.
- If possible, make it a code-based Action Script project and use the command-line MXLLC compiler which is included with Flex SDK. After that you can create a batch or messe file which will create SWF files.
- You can use the Flash IDE scripting language, JSFL so that the FLAA compilation can be automated. I have done this successfully on some projects. .
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