Why don't genetic algorithms work on problems like factoring RSA? -

Some time ago I was very interested in GA and I have read a lot about them. I used C ++ GAlib to write some programs, and I was quite surprised by the ability to calculate problems in a matter of seconds or otherwise solve their difficulties. They looked like a great bratourcing technique that really works as smart and adapts.

I was reading a book of Michaelwitz, if I remember the correct name and these all start to be based on the schema theorem MIT.

I have also heard that it can not really be used to deal with problems like RSA Private keys factoring

Can anyone explain why this is the case ?

Genetic algorithm is not smart at all , they are very greedy adapter algorithms . They all work around the same idea. You have a group of points ('population of individuals'), and you can convert that group to another with a staichstastic operator, with a bias towards the best improvement ('mutation + crossover + selection'). Repeat until you change it or you are tired of it, there is no smartness.

For genetic algorithm to work, a new population of points must be close to the previous population of the point. There is little change in some confusion. If, after a small disturbance of a point, you get a point that represents a solution with a completely different display, then, the algorithm is nothing better than random search, generally not good optimization algorithm is. In the case of RSA, if your points are straight numbers, then this is yes or no, just by flicking a bit ... Thus, using a genetic algorithm is not better than random search, if you do not have the problem of RSA Think of "code search digits as bits of numbers"
