Tkinter: "Python may not be configured for Tk" -

Today I wanted to work with Tkinter, but I have some problems. Python 3.2 (r32: 88445, 28 March 2011, 04:14:07) on Linux 2 [GCC 4.4.5] "Help", "Copyright", "Credit" for more information. "Or" license ". & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; * Traceback (most recent call final) from Tankback import: File "& lt; stdin>", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; The file "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/tkinter/", line 39, & lt; Module & gt; Import _tkinter # If this fails then your Python can not be configured for imported income: _tkinter

If there is no module named, how do I work with the tanker Can I configure my Python 3.2?

According to:

If this is a "module called _tkinter" , Your Python configuration needs to be modified to include this module (which is an extension module applied in C) to the module / setup (it is out of date) not Edit it. You may have to install Tcl and Tk (when using RPM, install the -devel RPM also) and / or edit the script to point to the correct location, where Tcl / Tk is installed . If you install TCL / TC in the default location, then just make the "Re-create" decicketer extension.
