ruby on rails - Cucumber and Devise, Too many Redirects? -

I am trying to create a test with cucumber for the device as a user to log in locomotives I want to be able to use the locomotive scenario: Logging in the locomotive I am a certified user, then I should see "Log in as

Show and this is my user step I have not been certified $ / / ('/ users / sign_out') # Make sure that at least the end is given / ^ I have an \ s + User "([^ \"] *) "and user name" ([^ \ "] *)" $ / Do | Email, Password, Username | Username = User (nui: (email = & gt; email ,: username = & gt; username, first_name = & gt; 'Josh', last_name = & gt;: password = & password; password: password password_confirmation = & gt; password) Saving! I was given a certificate User $ / do email = '' username = 'josh' password = 'secretpass' given% {I have a user "# {email}" password "# {password}" and user name "# Username } "And fill% {I login to}} and% {I" user_login "with" # {email} "} and% {I" user_password "with" # {password} "} and% {I} "Sign in"}

I'm getting this error message

  F-- (: :) failed steps (: :) Check for unlimited redirections, redirected more than 5 times. (Capibara :: InfinityRelease Techrror) ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb29:in_bloc (Level 2) & lt; Top (required) & gt; './features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:14:in_with_scope' ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:28:in `/ ^ (?: | I)" ([^ "] *)" (?: Inconvenient circumstances: Cucumber characteristics / user authentication. Feature: 6 # Scenario: Locomotive: In the "inner" ([^ "* *]") $ $ / 'features / user_authentication.feature: 7:' I am a certified user. Log in to   

I have no clue why this is happening, any thoughts?

There may be a lot of things - no nonsense to tell without code Some possibilities:

  • Do you need authentication login page? You can get it in a loop. You can get "open" pages (like sign_in) out of your authentication solution
  • You can show me when you can see the page so that you can see OK What's happening
  • You can get your certification solution The default (devise for example) can be spied on by commenting on other routes

    To see what is happening, to see if you try through a browser
