visual studio 2010 - Windows Phone Application Project Type Unavailable in VS2010 -

I recently had to restore the OS to my Dev box and now I am in the process of reinstalling various applications. I am I had previously installed the WP7 SDK without any problems but unfortunately I'm having trouble around this time. The only type of project that I made available for the Silverlight in Windows Phone category is what I have downloaded from an online template.

missing projects

when I try to open it Or any WP7 project I created earlier, then "Project type is not supported by this installation." Error I'm not sure what I'm missing. I have followed the three steps listed, so I have set up SDK, Dev Tool and Dev Tool. The installation of VS2010 looks right because I can create and silverlight applications and run them without problems.

Has anyone found something like this before?

Edit: I installed Service Pack 1 for VS 2010, but it has not helped unfortunately.

Edit: I have reinstalled Windows Phone Dev device and that installation did not send any errors, but I still have to go under the category of Windows Phone for signal The project does not get.

Try to open Visual Studio Command Prompt and type:

devenv / ResetSkipPkgs
