javascript - Merging JS files using Shrinksafe -

Dear all, I need to merge all the javascript files into a folder using a scintiff in a file. I I am using the following AN script. But it is not working properly.

  & lt ;! - Merge JS files into a file in script folders - & gt; & Lt; Target name = "mergegp-js" & gt; & Lt; Echo message = "start merging" /> & Lt; Java fork = "true" dir = "$ {shrinksafe.util.path} / buildscripts" classname = "" & gt; & Lt; Classpath & gt; & Lt; Pathelement location = "$ {shrinksafe.util.path} /shrinksafe/js.jar" /> & Lt; Pathelement location = "$ {shrinksafe.util.path} /shrinksafe/shrinksafe.jar" /> & Lt; Pathhelm Path = "$ {java.class.path}" /> & Lt; / Classpath & gt; & Lt; Arg value = "build.js" /> & Lt; Arg value = "$ {merged gpstatic.folder} / test / scripts / * .js> tempMerged.js" /> & Lt; / Java & gt; & Lt; Echo message = "JS build successful." / & Gt; & Lt; / Target & gt;   

But the above script is giving me the following error. Exception from Uncaught javascript jslib / buildUtil.js, line 1168: Thread: Distorted name / value pair: [C: / test / script / *. JS]. The format should be named = value

Can anyone guide me to fix this problem?

The argument must be in the form build.js name = value . For example, profile = standard action = release . To match the format, you have to change the syntax of the argument. Then

  & lt; Arg value = "build.js" /> The following line should be   


  & lt; Arg value = "profile = standard action = release" />    
