I was debugging a strange problem where an object VMT suddenly points to the base object's methods.
class base {virtual zero foo () {}} class derived: public base {void foo () {}} derived derived * d = new; ... very complex fettling ... d-foo (); // help! Base: foo () is called !!! This was a bug effectively in the 'complex' code deleted; I will not go into details except to tell that boost :: noncopyable is your friend, and never under any circumstances does not ever roll their smart pointers classes. But my question is - does this kind of change of VMT have a good 'smell' that you are working with a deleted object? I think VMT 'gets' unrolled' on ' base during destruction'? Obviously this is very dependent on implantation, and I was 'lucky' that the memory was not crushed on ...
Definitely what the question is ??? But IA says that this:
I was 'lucky' that the memory was not crushed ...
is wrong: you lucky is ???? You were lucky united were removed during the time of memory being crushed, then you probably would have a code accident near the real problem and the error would be very clear. The code fails as soon as possible, promptly about the failure location as soon as possible.
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