linux - I'm unable to send XML data over HTTP POST request from a particular client to a particular server. How do I debug? -
I am using a Java program that is in our server to post some XML data from a remote client machine I have independently tested different components of the whole system and it has been found that:
- The customer is able to successfully receive a response to the GET request on the same server. Therefore name resolution related issues can be excluded.
- The client code in other networks is capable of posting data to our servers, therefore, the server code is working properly
- to post the same customer on the same server with a different server Trying Apart from this, the systems in other networks are running similar versions of the client. Therefore, client code also works
- I tried posting XML file via CRL:
curl - header 'content-type: text / xml; Charset = UTF-8 '- Data @ 5.xml -X POST http: // but also put it above, I have concluded that the problem is not with the Java part,
- A netstat -ntavp shows the following output:
Active Internet connection (server and installed) Send Proto Recovery-Q - Q Local Address Foreign Address State Tcp6 0 6250 32771 80 reputed and the customer is in this situation for a long time Har bytes are waiting in the message queue. I have checked the server log at the same time and there are no bytes waiting to be read. The state has also been established and therefore I have to conclude that the TCP handheld has been cured. I'm stuck here.
Where else can I see the reason for this problem? OS Ubuntu on both clients and servers is 10.04
Update: Obviously, the problem is not limited to HTTP post. I threw the XML part of the request into a file and it But tried to use FTP and SCP. Both of these efforts have failed. Therefore, the current situation is:
- Customer is able to send requests and files to other servers
- The server is capable of controlling file uploads from HTTP requests and other clients .
- The files are actually transferred from the client to the server but the connection does not seem to stop.
- I have caught the packets on the server using TCPDump and found that the checksum of some packets coming from the server was incorrect.
Update 2 Please ignore updates about checksums as I came and verified that the customer is actually receiving TCP packets with the correct checksum
The solution to this problem was solved by setting the MTU as the value of 1400.
Although both problems seemed to be isolated for the first time, the root cause became the same.
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