I get error C2440 in C. cannot convert from int to int[][2] -

I get a C2440 error Int can not be converted to int [] [2]

Any help is appreciated. #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" # Enter MAXDATACOL 2 Enter Enter (intDataire [] [MAXDATACOL]); Int main (empty) {int.dtd [] [maxdaxol] = 0; Int i, j; integer value; } Enter zero properties (int decay [] [MAXDATACOL]) {for (;;} {int i, j; printf ("enter the x and y values ​​ending with ctrl z \ n"); if (scans ("% d Break it up;% d ", and Detrore [i], and Detrore [j]) == EOF break;}}

  • 0 one The number is, while the data array is an array (hence the collection of numbers)
  • You are trying to modify the value beyond any limit A 0 MAXDATACOL - 1
  • If you do not specify the size of the array
