We have a very curious problem with hsqldb. We are running a few tests which work well on MySQL, but We recently switched to hsqldb for our unit tests. In doing so, we saw that some of our tests have failed, three records A, B and C have been recorded in an examination, and an attempt has been made to regain the first two, A and B. However, for the first time, we only run tests on a new configuration (empty) database. However, if we repeat the test on the same database, both A and B are returned (before you ask, yes, A and B are different from A, B and C).
We have tried to force the database to continue the record, and we have delayed, except for putting the same "heating the database", nothing seems to be done. If we check the hsqldb log, they all are included in the statement to insert, even those people we are unable to use SELECT in our first run on the database.
Has anyone ever experienced problems with hsqldb "hot" with a dummy insert statement? If we do an assembly statement with garbage before running our tests, then they will also successfully
We have tested on hsqldb 2.0.0 and 2.1.0. Both versions produce the same result.
I have never hsqldb, but you have tried This is not inappropriate for a database operation (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) may be delayed when it is not possible The database may not be under heavy load but you can not trust it. INSERT ...; COMMIT; and then
SELECT .. run?
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