How to modify a java program from arrays to arraylist objects? -

  // sets a random number of markers in // one-dimensional array // num markers markers in a marker Size Board Size Public Square SimpleDotCom {// Static Individual Final Constants DEFAULT_MARKERS = 3; Private Final Static Ent DEFAULT_BOARD_SIZE = 10; // Private Ent [] markers of data members; // marker posts private int board size stores; // Store at the end of the personal privatization of the board; // SimpleDotCom () (it (DEFAULT_MARKERS, DEFAULT_BOARD_SIZE) in a board of 10 public boards of default constructor // 3 markers; } // // Set markers and boardjokes single dot com (int newmakers, int boardsize) to set constructor {markers = new mark markers]; This.boardSize = boardSize; EndOfMarkers = Marker Long - 1; Int i, j, random; Int [] original = new int [board size]; For (i = 0; i & lt; original; height; i ++); [i] = i; // Basic for tablets (i = original.lambi - 1; i> gt; original.lambi - marker height; i--) {randNum = (int) (math.rendum) * (i + 1)) ; // swap original [i] and origin [random] j = root [i]; Original [i] = Original [Random]; Original [Random] = J; } For (i = 0; i   

this program that I need to modify. I am about to modify the arraylist objects and I do not know how to do this. Any information / ADI is useful if you need to know something then ask Ales and I will tell you. Thanks for your help. Start by changing the type of


  Private Arrestists & lt; Integer & gt; Marker;   

Your IDE will now show you many errors since ArrayList and arrays will not be interchangeable, fix those errors, and you do it again.
