events - Fire ResizeEvent in GWT (Google Web Toolkit) -

I have many Google Maps on my site (v3) which you can choose through a tabennial (a per tab) But there is a problem when you switch tabs when you select the tab, this map does not "wake up". To fix this, I need to use ( source , Window.getClientWidth (), Window.getClientHight ()); This will activate the resizing listener on the map and "wake it up" My problem is that I can not get an indicator for the size of the handler of the browser window (this package is preserved in so I do not know that my source What to use in the form. If someone has an answer to my solution or any other possible solution then he would be very much appreciative.

Thanks, Tom

I'm not sure to use the size again This is the best way to do this (I have not embedded a map before), but you might consider using a tablet standpoint instead of a tabline, and instead of firing the call panel resize event, note that you have documents You will need to use all the methods for the root, and you Page must be presented in standard mode.
