I'm new to ASP and ASP.NET.
I have just started working on a legacy ASP, a classic project and a sample that makes a remote call to ASP.net.
Is it possible to call ASP.NET pages from ASP?
Are you compatible? / P>
So far my impression is that they are not compatible, but I am probably wrong.
I mean that the net project can be called with parameters and can be kept individually?
Does anyone have experience similar problems or share any suggestions?
You can create a COM wrapper for an asp.net dll, for example,
If you want only two side-by-side apps that can share information, it's probably easy. Cookies are cookies - you can pass session information with a cookie, as long as both apps understand the format (and they are running in the same domain). Asp.net The old ASP application probably does something similar already, just copy the same model to ASP.NET application. Sessions data can not be readily available for traditional ASP (as other answer notes), but to use your ASP.NET session to track your users, Not too compelling. You can always create your own session keys, by putting them into a cookie to select them, you can learn both applications, store them in a database, and use them as per your requirement. Unless the two apps have access to the same database and understand the nature of the cookies, there is no problem.
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